Grapple Grip is a traditional platform game in which you must climb and devise a clever plan to complete all hard levels.
Directions for Grapple Grip
Grapple Grip includes several levels filled with hard challenges. To win, make the cube climb on the platform and transfer to a new one. There are few if any, traps in the first stages, but as you go to higher platforms, there are several traps that are difficult to avoid. Don't forget to leap when you notice a spike. How many levels can you pass using your outstanding skills?
- Grapple Grip contains 2D visuals and straightforward principles, yet it is difficult to complete all of the tricky levels.
- At certain levels, you must employ talents to overcome difficult barriers.
How to Control
- Move using the A, D, or left and right arrow keys.
- Grapple with W or up arrow key.
- Reset: R.
- Back: Esc.
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